Yes, from a DOS command shell, but when I get it working I would like to
avoid the DOD box.
I have been trying your suggestion in various forms, but sofar no success
yet. Something is happening though, so it looks like it might work.
I get various error messages: path can't be found, incomplete SQL, cannot
find unnamed pipe etc. Tried lots of things, but I know even less about DOS
then you and I am just messing about in the dark. I will get it and thanks
for the starting point.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: 17 November 2006 01:15
Subject: Re: [sqlite] select from commandprompt with output to file

"RB Smissaert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> How would I run these 4 commands via a .bat file or via whatever means:
> cd c:\test\ReadCodes
> c:\test\Program\sqlite3 c:\test\ReadCodes\ReadCode.db"
> .output testfile.txt
> select * from readcode where read_code glob 'G2*';

I haven't been tracking this thread so apologies if I'm misunderstanding
you want.  Are you doing this from a DOS (Command) shell?  I'm far from a
expert, but how about something like this:

cd c:\test\ReadCodes
echo "select * from readcode where read_code glob 'G2*'" |
c:\test\Program\sqlite3 c:\test\ReadCodes\ReadCode.db > testfile.txt


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