On 12/12/06, Michele Santucci <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

this's a run-time error not a linker error.

It sounds like a load time error.  If that's the case, and it is the
Windows loader, then your import tool did not do translation
correctly: it's looking for the literal name "_sqlite3_open" in the
DLL exports.  Such a name does not exist.

The Microsoft import library format sets up name translations, where
the underscore is supplied for the usual linking mechanisms, but the
linker is also instructed to place the undecorated name in the
dependency table.  You want to have your tool do the same thing.
Failing that, look for a way to have the compiler not apply
decorations to dllimport function declarations.

One of those must be supported, since it would be required to use
Windows API functions (stdcall has a decoration format of its own).

Failing that, give up on the stock dll and build your own, or compile
sqlite directly into your project :)

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