> Brodie Thiesfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> SQLite should never expect strings in any encoding other
> than UTF-8 or UTF-16.  (Note that ASCII is a proper subset 
> of UTF-8 so SQLite will also accept ASCII.)  I do not know
> what CP_ACP is, but if it is not a subset of UTF-8 then
> SQLite should (if implemented as designed) malfunction if
> you give it a CP_ACP string that has a different representation
> than the equivalent UTF-8.
> If you find a case where SQLite is expecting some character
> encoding other than UTF-8 or UTF-16, then you have found a bug.
> Please create a ticket and suggest an appropriate patch.

CP_ACP is ANSI code page. The character encoding usually used by the
file API on Windows. It will be different depending on the Windows
legacy locale. e.g. Shift-JIS for Japanese. EUC-KR for Korean.

I have filed the following ticket for this bug:

> My intent is to let yall continue to debate a proper fix
> for porting the extension loading mechanism to wince and
> then once you reach consensus I will check in whatever that
> consensus happens to be.

The problem is not just Windows CE.

The current problem of the Unicode build (and therefore *also* a Windows
CE build) failing can be temporarily fixed with the patch that I
supplied in the first reply to your email.

The larger problem of Win9x clients not seeing a ANSI char* API instead
of the specified UTF-8 char* API is a problem that needs to be fixed
with larger changes to the win_os.c layer. The LoadLibrary call should
also be implemented there.

What is the problem with implementing the LoadLibrary call in the
os_win.c layer?


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