> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brodie Thiesfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 4:43 PM
> To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
> Subject: Re: [sqlite] Need a wince test
> Robert Simpson wrote:
> >> From: Brodie Thiesfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> Robert, you are missing the point. Because of the way this is being
> >> defined, there is a need to check for _UNICODE. If you don't then a
> >> build with _UNICODE defined will fail. If it was implemented like
> the
> >> rest of the functions in os_win.c then it wouldn't be necessary.
> >
> > I can go either way on that.  There is no need to check for _UNICODE
> if you
> > change the defines ... to this:
>  >
>  > # ifdef _WIN32_WCE
>  > //snip
>  > # else
>  > #   define SQLITE_OPEN_LIBRARY(A)  LoadLibraryA(A) // <-- changed to
> A
>  > #   define SQLITE_FIND_SYMBOL(A,B) GetProcAddress(A,B)
>  > # endif
> That way you are ensuring that non-ASCII strings won't work on any
> platform other than WINCE. It's the worse solution so far. Why do you
> have such a problem accepting the _UNICODE define? I feel like I am
> arguing with a brick wall.

I don't have a problem with the _UNICODE define, I have a problem with the
differences in support between CE and the desktop.

> The following patch is a version of drh's that will compile and work on
> in the cases that you and I want (e.g. Unicode build). See my original
> reply to drh as to why it is better than his (although see below for
> why
> it is still bad).
> # ifdef _UNICODE  // hey, look, we catch _WIN_WCE here too!
> static HANDLE loadLibraryUtf8(const char *z){
>    WCHAR zWide[MAX_PATH];
>    DWORD dwLen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8,0,z,-1,zWide,MAX_PATH);
>    if (dwLen == 0 || dwLen > MAX_PATH) return NULL;
>    return LoadLibraryW(zWide);
> }
> #   define SQLITE_OPEN_LIBRARY(A)  loadLibraryUtf8(A)
> # else
> #   define SQLITE_OPEN_LIBRARY(A)  LoadLibraryA(A)
> # endif
> # define SQLITE_FIND_SYMBOL(A,B) GetProcAddress(A,B)
> If _UNICODE is defined it works fine. When _UNICODE is not defined (the
> default) it has UTF-8/ANSI coding problems on *all* platforms (unlike
> os_win functions which have them only on Win9x).

CP_UTF8 doesn't work on most CE platforms and hence your proposed patch
doesn't work.

> This is why at a minimum it needs to be included in os_win.c and
> implemented like all other functions there. As per my original patch on
> the bug report. Can we just implement it there, export it from there
> and
> use it in loadext.c without touching the os.h header that drh seems so
> allergic to?
[snip diagram] 
> > Here's what I propose ...
>  > #ifdef _UNICODE
>  > #define OSSTR wchar_t
>  > #else
>  > #define OSSTR char
>  >
>  > OSSTR *utf8toOS(char *utf8)
>  > void utf8toOSFree(OSSTR *apiString)
> Although it is nice since it is simple, it is worse than the current
> solution. Firstly, with the current method, only Windows 95 is broken.
> Additionally, the current solution has the nice property of using the
> unicode functions whenever available (i.e. when running on WinNT)
> regardless of build type.
> Your proposal takes a step backwards to providing Unicode support only
> when compiled as a Unicode application. It is better to continue the
> current method of calling W functions where possible and falling back
> to
> A only when necessary, just process the string sent into the A function
> so that it is properly ACP/OEM as necessary.

I'm not sure what you're getting all worked up over.  How is "providing
unicode support only when compiled as a unicode application" a Bad Thing?

99.9% of all API calls that take a string have an A and W version defined.
The LoadLibrary() function maps to LoadLibraryW when _UNICODE is defined,
and LoadLibraryA() when _UNICODE is not defined.  What's so wrong with this
system?  Why is it so terrible to convert a utf8 string to MBCS and call an
A function when _UNICODE isn't defined, and to convert a utf8 string to
unicode and call the W function when _UNICODE *is* defined?


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