Just wanted to add that if one of the sqlite GUI's out there uses an
external sqlite dll (instead of static linking) it's quite easy to
make your own dll with your own functions and replace the one that
comes with the GUI application.

This was discussed before, but don't know if any one of them actually
does this (but an open source one will be easy to recompile that way).

~Nuno Lucas

On 12/21/06, Jeff Godfrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks for the interesting responses.  I think I now have a clear
understanding of my options, and while not exactly what I was looking
for, I can work within the prescribed limitations.  As I mentioned, I
am working from Tcl, where it's quite easy to write and register a new
function with SQLite - which I've done.  So, I now have a view
containing references to my new "pow" (mathematical power) function,
which works exacty as expected from within my own application.
Unfortunately, that view now (obviously) causes problems when using
3rd party GUI db manager tools.

From here, I think it's just a matter of reorienting my take on the
whole problem.  As someone already mentioned, SQLite is not intended
to be a stand-alone database application.  Once I get that fact
drilled into my head, I'll be fine... ;^)

I will mention that the author of "SQLite Expert" is looking into
possible solutions to this specific issue (related to using the new
"loadable extensions" feature of SQLite).  If anything interesting
comes from those discussions, I'll let the list know.

Thanks again.


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