We were influenced by Deming's work on total quality. He advocates fixing each problem the moment it is identified and taking great pains never to ship product with defects. That way quality is maximized, The short term invonvenience is swamped by the long terms advantages.

I would agree with the poster, release now.

Mario Frasca wrote:
I've read this article more than once and I still find it inspiring...


I'd say, you have the fix, just release it, why not? if you're waiting for a next bug, you'll never have the guarantee that "tomorrow" no bug will be found which can be fixed within a limited amount of hours...


The question is: should I rush out 3.3.10 to cover this important
bug fix, wait a week to see if any other bugs surface, or do the usual 1-2 month release schedule and let people effected by this bug apply the patch above.

thanks for all your work!

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