 yes thats what I'm thinking.. The thing is the amount of code that can be 
reduced via the preprocessor is enormous. Plus the fact that one could also 
preprocess into the resulting C code all sorts of wonderful error handling   in 
a very succinct language construct.
 I hapen to perfer the conept of PRO*C, I don't like all of the weird errors 
that it generates and the various modes of operation. I'm advocating something 
that is a build it like I tell you to do, not how you interpret it. Leave out 
all of the goofy semantic checking etc.. Just let the normal C compiler handle 
that bit.  There's no real need to connect to a sqlitedb just to verify the 
table exists.

Joe Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Yes, a pre processor, but not a 
wrapper.  A wrapper as I've seen from the site is
> simply a layer on top of the sqlite3 api. I've written my own wrapper.  I'm 
> really looking to
> see if instead of inserting an additional layer, the actual code could be 
> compiled inline into
> the sourcing C file, thus a pre processor. 

Okay, I see. All the bad memories are coming back now...

I used the PRO*C pre-processor ten years ago.
What a disaster that approach is. Never again.
The code is a mess and debugging is a nightmare.

You actually need a static database schema to run your code-generating
pre-processor against. You change your database schema and your code 
generator has some obscure syntax error. If your application crashes 
you have to wade through generated code to see WTF is going on. 
In the time it takes to chase down problems you could have written 
a superior application in a traditional language binding/wrapper.

Just my opinion of course.

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