On page 18 of the book "SQLite" by Chris Newman, he states "... it is possible to pipe or redirect a series of commands to the program rather than key them in"

I'm trying to get this to work using the shell, and cannot seem to do it. Once I get it working then I can call them as shown below in the "do shell script..." code below

I tried finding a pragma command for .headers on, but didn't have any luck.

sqlite> .headers on | .mode column customers | select * from customers ;
I also tried :

sqlite> select * from customers ; < .headers off

and that didn't work either

The reason I am trying to do this in one call rather than using multiple lines is that one "do shell script" call is totally independent from the next, unlike scripting to a shell window which I don't want to do.

sqlite> .headers on
sqlite> .mode column customers
sqlite> select * from customers ;

is that I am calling it from Applescript, and one "do shell script" to sqlite doesn't have a clue what the previous one did.

do shell script "sqlite3  ~/desktop/TestDB.db " & ".headers on"
do shell script "sqlite3 -column ~/desktop/TestDB.db " & quote & thisQuery & quote)

I realize that I am trying to mix dot commands with sql commands, but there doesn't seem to be a pragma for the headers
so I could do something like :

sqlite> pragma set_headers("on") ; select * from customers ;

Which I could then convert to  :

do shell script "sqlite3 -column ~/desktop/TestDB.db " & quote & pragma set_headers("on") ; select * from customers ; & quote)

handler snippet :
on run
  set thisTable to "customers"
  set searchField to "lastname"
  set searchValue to "somevalue"
  set sortField to "firstname"
  set sortDir to "asc"
  set whichChoice to "contains"

my sqlite_DoTheSearch(whichChoice, thisTable, searchField, searchValue, sortField, sortDir)
end run

on sqlite_DoTheSearch(whichChoice, thisTable, searchField, searchValue, sortField, sortDir)
  ... missing lines here
  else if (whichChoice = "contains") then
set thisQuery to "select * from " & thisTable & " where " & searchField & " LIKE '%" & searchValue & "%' order by " & sortField & " " & sortDir & ";"

... missing lines here

display dialog ("QUERY : " & quote & thisQuery & quote & return & return & (do shell script "sqlite3 -column ~/desktop/TestDB.db " & quote & thisQuery & quote))

end sqlite_DoTheSearch

I'd be grateful for any insights...

Bill Hernandez
Plano, Texas

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