One way or another you have to apply sweat or treasure to protect your data asset. Just how valuable is it?

mxs wrote:
Thanks Ulrich, but I think that goes beyond the scope of my knowledge and
tools I have available to me.

I wish somebody (who has C++ knowledge) has done it already and released
version of SQLite with encrypt and decrypt functionality. I cannot believe
that there is not more need for it between SQLite users. You make it sound
like it shouldn't be a problem for someone who knows C++. But I am expecting
a catch somewhere, otherwise why would there be commercial versions of
SQLite which has this functonality.

Thanks for your suggestion anyways.

If you don't mind one more off topic question. You seem to have experience
with wxWidgets. In tandem with wxPython is that a better tool to use than
just Python and Tkinter. Which route is the easier one for a beginner in
this language?

Thanks again


Ulrich Telle wrote:

Hi Marek,

I'll be honest with you I had to google around to find out what is
wxWidgets (obviously I've seen it before, but never dipped in). Pls
understand I've been messing around for years with VB (not even the
.NET version) and it served me quite well. But I decided to move on
to something rather free of Microsoft.

Well, wxWidgets _is_ free of Microsoft and is available for many different
platforms. But it wasn't my intent to point you in the direction of

My encryption solution for SQLite is not bound to wxWidgets in any way.
You may as well use it completely independent of wxWidgets (or my
component wxSQLite3).

You may just take the source code of my encryption extension from the file
release of wxSQLite3, combine it with the sources of SQLite itself,
compile with just any C++ compiler to get a SQLite library or DLL
supporting database encryption. Please read the readme file of wxSQLite3
for further information.

My extension implements two functions of the SQLite API, namely
sqlite3_key and sqlite3_rekey (see sqlite3.h header file of SQLite), which
are not implemented in the normal SQLite distribution. To use encryption
sqlite3_key has to be called immediately after the call to sqlite3_open.
That's all.



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