
It would probably not require more than a few lines of TCL code to
implement a "dump" command as a TCL proc.

I know that copying from one database to another is not the same as dumping, but the following might be a useful starting point. It gets the filenames of an existing version 2 SQLite file and a desired version 3 file, and does the copy.

I am placing it in the public domain, if anyone wants to use it. It has had a little testing on small files, but it seems to work. I hope it is small enough that posting here is not a problem for anyone.

Gerry Snyder

# ***********************************************************
# Convert an SQLite data-base file from V2 to V3
# ***********************************************************
proc two2three {} {
  global mainlabel
  if {[set dbfilein [tk_getOpenFile]] == {} } {
  if {[set dbfileout [tk_getSaveFile]] == {} } {
     sqlite sqin $dbfilein
     sqlite3 sqout $dbfileout
     sqout eval begin
# Duplicate schema
  sqin eval {SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE sql NOT NULL} {} {
    sqout eval $sql
# Copy data
# For each table...
  sqin eval {SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'} {} {
    set fieldnamescomma {}
#   get field names and values
    sqin eval "SELECT * FROM $name" fieldnames {
#     but use them only if table is non-empty
      if {[llength $fieldnames(*)] > 0} {
# Now $fieldnames(*) is a list of the field names
#   and the rest of the $fieldnames array is values
#    --set up params for insert (first time thru)
        if {[string length $fieldnamescomma] == 0} {
          set fieldnamescomma [join $fieldnames(*) ,]
set valuevarscomma "\$fieldnames([join $fieldnames(*) ),\$fieldnames(])" set sqlstmnt "insert into $name\($fieldnamescomma) values($valuevarscomma)"
# Now sqltrmnt is something like "insert into table1(field1,field2) values($fieldnames(field1),$fieldnames(field2))"
        sqout eval $sqlstmnt
    sqout eval commit

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