Thanks Rechard and Gerry for the quick reply. I will use that alternative

Is there any easy way to get the size of data stored in a table, size of a
row  usig Sqlite C APIs?



"venkat akella" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
>     lenght() function in SQL Query is not behaving properly.  I have
> explained this below with an example.
>    Select length(col1) + length(col2) + length(col3) + length(col4) from
> TestTable;
>     For example, there are four columns in a table and in a row three
> columns (col1, col2 and col3) have propervalues inserted. col4 has NULL.
> When I execute the above query on that table, then it doesnt return any
> thing. Basically if I just do "select length(col1) + length(col2) +
> length(col3) from TestTable" it properly returns the sum of the lengths
> three columns. But when I include length(col4) in the sum which has
> then it doesnt return anything. I was expecting it to return the sum of
> lengths of col1, col2 and col3 even after including the lenght(col4) in
> sum.
> That means, even if one column is NULL, then its effecting the whole
> Above explained behaviour is same irrespective of using command line or
> API. I am using sqlite-3.3.8 .
> Can some one please comeabck on this.

length(NULL) is NULL, and <anything>+NULL is NULL.  So if any of
hour four columns contains a NULL, the result is NULL.  Strange though
this may seem, it is what SQL is suppose to do.

You can work around the problem by doing:

  length(coalesce(col1,'')) + length(coalesce(col2,'')) +...

D. Richard Hipp  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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