Stef Mientki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What's the difference between ON and WHERE,
the 2 statements below return exactly the same ?
SELECT       Patient_text.*, Opnamen.*
 FROM       Patient as P
 INNER JOIN Patient_text, Opnamen
 ON         P.PatNr = Patient_text.PatNr
 WHERE      P.PatNr = '00001'

SELECT       Patient_text.*, Opnamen.*
 FROM       Patient
 INNER JOIN Patient_text, Opnamen
 WHERE      Patient.PatNr = Patient_text.PatNr
   AND      Patient.PatNr = '00001'

These two queries are equivalent. The difference between ON and WHERE becomes important when the query involves outer joins.

Why isn't ALIAS supported in the JOIN-line, or am I doing something
wrong ? <SQL>
SELECT       Patient_text.*, Opnamen.*
 FROM       Patient
 INNER JOIN Patient_text, Opnamen AS O
 WHERE      Patient.PatNr = Patient_text.PatNr
 AND        Patient.PatNr = '00001'

What exactly do you believe is not supported? Do you get an error with this statement? It looks good to me.

In the SQL help on the web, I read:
"/join-op/ ::= *, *|* *[*NATURAL*]* *[*LEFT *|* RIGHT *|* FULL*]*
*[*OUTER *|* INNER *|* CROSS*]* JOIN*"
But when I try a RIGHT JOIN, I get an error message ???

SQLite doesn't support right outer joins at this time, only left joins. By the way, SQL syntax supported by SQLite is documented here

And here are the limitations:

Igor Tandetnik

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