A smaller dll doesn't always mean a faster one. In fact enabling
compiler optimizations generally make a faster executable, but often
lead to an increase in binary size. I think a read only SQLite may be
faster because of locks and other instructions, and it would be safer
in a cgi-bin application. If memory or disk space is an issue on the
third-party server, you may want to try hosting the database on a
networked server.

On 3/6/07, jp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sql.ite's size is perfect as it is, but I have a couple
of apps where an even smaller "reader" could be used:

1. A cgi-bin based application, hosted at a third
party place - no fast-cgi, no registering isapi dlls,
etc. just plain cgi-bin which gets loaded/executed
every time it is called (win32 + IIS ).

The cgi-bin program (150k) loads sqlite3.dll (380k)
every time, so I am just trying to take it to the
smallest size possible.  A static link to my app might
make the combination smaller (sqlite3.exe is 410k),
but I want to make it even smaller.

2. For distributing/replicating databases on embedded
devices, where the device itself doesn't do any
updates to the database.  For example, a DVR which
receives daily non-incremental (full) updates of
programming or a PDA which receives and displays
statistics of some sort.  The PDA wouldn't need all
the overhead of data update routines.

Wouldn't it be nice to say that the sqlite reader
version is only 128k (or less)?   Also, in theory,
since it doesn't have to worry about locks,
transactions, synchrounous=off, etc., shouldn't it run
even faster?


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Building a read-only version of SQLite is easy if
> you
> don't care about leaving all of the (unused) writing
> code in place.  But you are the first person to ask
> me
> about a read-only version of SQLite that also cares
> about the footprint.  As far as I know, this has not
> been done before.
> What are you doing that the 250K standard SQLite is
> too big for you?
> --
> D. Richard Hipp  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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