I am sorry, it seems to be unreadable bacause of my very bad english.
I try to correct it little bit.

Hi Friends :-)

Is there a possibility to have sin, cos anD acos, functions in sqlite?
How to write it in? I have read (Mike Owens article at LinuxJournal), that it 
is possible to write new function to expand standard set of functions as 
avg(), min(), sum() etc.

I will have table with sequence of coordinates (two dimensional space) and 
corresponding radiuses, so sequence of circles. And i need to use a sqlite 
query to detect if a actual coordinates (after their measurement) match some 
of the circle's square or not. And which circle, if match.
And this must be for low CPU consumption optimised, so i am not sure, if 
separate sin table queries will be enough as fast as i need at needed 

The whole algorithm is proven on mssql by my colegue, but he is using the 
native math functions.



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