Ok, I have figured out that I do not have null values on the data of my table, even though I do have empty strings. Here is my schema,

sqlite> .schema
id integer primary key, ProjID integer, parent, children, login, cust, proj, PClass, PSubClass, bdate, ddate, edate, pm, pmuk, lang, vendor, vEmail, invoice, ProjFund, A_No, wDir, BiliDir, TMDir, DeliveryDir, paid, notes, status


And here is a call for a SELECT for a null value:

sqlite> select * from LSOpenJobs where notes IS NULL;

Now, I know for a fact that there are notes empty on some of the records there. Why is sqlite thinking that I do not have null values?

----- Original Message ----- From: "jose isaias cabrera" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <sqlite-users@sqlite.org>
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2007 11:40 PM
Subject: [sqlite] UPDATE colomns based on their values


So, I would like to update some columns based on whether or not they are null. Some of you folks have helped me with ifnull and IS NULL, and I happened to see coalesce, but none of these are working. If I set the value, they will work, but with the checks, they do not get UPDATEd.

Here is the call:

UPDATE LSOpenJobs SET bdate = '2007-03-02' WHERE ProjID = '215' AND bdate IS NULL; UPDATE LSOpenJobs SET ddate = coalesce(ddate, '2007-03-05') WHERE ProjID = '215'; UPDATE LSOpenJobs SET edate = ifnull(edate,'2007-03-05') WHERE ProjID = '215';

As you can see, I am using 3 different checks and none of these are working. I know it's something simple, but what it is?

Any ideas?

Maybe the other question is, what defines "IS NULL" or "ifnull" or "coalesce"?



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