"Griggs, Donald" wrote on 03/15/2007 01:49:30 PM:

> Regarding:
>  Creation of flat file takes 1.5 secs vs 3 seconds to create sqlite db.
>  Flat file is 13 MB, sqlite db is 11 MB.
>  "Any ideas how to get the sqlite output timings to a more respectable
> level would be appreciated. "
I think you may be looking at this as a one dimensional problem, or looking
at it from the wrong angle. [I am using upper case here for mild emphasis -
not yelling].  Really, there is a greater difference in gains at the other
end.  In other words, there IS a certain amount of overhead, BUT, what you
get back from sqlite over a flat file is: The ability to use SQL, where a
flat file is flat and brain dead. The ability to create indexes to help
find specific data, where your other choices may require you to write code
(which equals time which equals labor and money).  Finally, businesses
often throw hardware at performance, when tuning has already been tried.
Good Luck.

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