Oops - that last sentence I wrote actually doesn't make sense :) I know
what prepared statements are as I'm using them (doh!). I might have a
problem that I need to add more WHERE conditions to those "basic"
statements, which wouldn't work probably with storing them, as I can't
possible know all possible combinations. Still - I'll give this some
thought to see if I can find something in this direction.

Thanks again. 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dennis Volodomanov 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 11:43 AM
> To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
> Subject: RE: [sqlite] Questions on views
> Thanks for the reply!
> I'm not really trying to blame SQLite here, as I know 
> there're limits on just how fast it can prepare a statement, 
> execute it and give me the results - and it's fast, I'm just 
> looking for ways to make it faster.
> The reason that such a huge amount of statements needs to be 
> executed so many times very quickly is that we have a tree 
> built up based on those statements and that tree needs to be 
> pruned if the results of statements are empty in real-time as 
> the user is typing a string (a search string basically). Each 
> node in the tree has (in my test scenario) from 1000 to 2000 
> children and each child has a few (up to 10-20 children of 
> their own). There're quite a few optimizations that I've 
> already done in the application so that unnecessary 
> statements are not executed, but there're still 2000-3000 
> statements that need to be executed. And my test scenario is 
> not that big actually - the real application is expected to 
> handle at least 2-4 times more data regularly. I know it's 
> pushing everything to the limits, but that's what we need to 
> implement.
> Thank you for the suggestion about prepared statements - 
> that's one thing I have looked at yet and I'll go and do some 
> reading on it now.
> I'll get back with results if I succeed in implementing it.
> Regards,
>    Dennis 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Joe Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 11:31 AM
> > To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
> > Subject: RE: [sqlite] Questions on views
> > 
> > --- Dennis Volodomanov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Yes, after timing both I found that SELECT EXISTS is
> > actually a tiny
> > > bit faster, which does matter when multiplied by thousands of 
> > > executions in a row.
> > > 
> > > Unfortunately, I still cannot get it as fast as I want - it takes 
> > > approximately 1500-2000 ms per approximately 2000-3000
> > executions. Is
> > > there any way to speed this up even further somehow? The
> > scenario is
> > > that I have a table full of SQL statements that need to be
> > reexecuted
> > > often to check whether they return any results or not (from other 
> > > tables). I have all those SQL statements in memory in the
> > application,
> > > so that saves a bit of time, but can I do anything else?
> > 
> > 0.6 milliseconds per query is not fast enough? Wow!
> > What's your system doing that it needs to poll the database 
> so often?
> > 
> > Unless you want to redesign your application, there's not 
> much you can 
> > do except eliminate the parsing overhead.
> > 
> > In the table where you store the SQL statements, create a column to 
> > hold the MD5 hash value of the SQL and use that as a key to an 
> > in-memory hash map of prepared statements, where you create the 
> > prepared statement and insert it into the map with the MD5 value as 
> > its key if it does not exist. Keep in mind that your prepared 
> > statements are tied to the connection on which they were 
> created, so 
> > if you have many connections you will need many maps. Use 
> > sqlite3_prepare_v2().
> > 
> > 
> >  
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