When I recreate the amalgamation from the source tarball using "make sqlite3.c" on Mac OS X, I end up with a slightly different amalgamation file. The differences are (obviously) only in the generated source files and mostly seems to be re-ordered token tables, different token values, etc. for the parser.

Are the differences due to different per-compiler optimizations when generating the source files? Or are they just arbitrary differences caused by e.g. different versions of the tools used when generating the source files?

Do any of the configuration options I pass to the configure script make their way into the generated source files and thus into the amalgamation file?

The reason I'm asking is that we build sqlite on both Mac OS X and Windows. On Mac OS X, so far, we have used the standard source tarball, run configure and build the generated source tree (for a variety of reasons, we build using Xcode, not the sqlite makefile, though). On Windows, we used the generated sources from the .zip source archive, but shared the non-generated sources and headers from the source tarball between platforms.

Now that there's only the amalgamized version in the zip archive, I'm wondering whether using that amalgamized version for both platforms would cause any problems when building on Mac OS X?

We usually run configure with the following options:

../configure --enable-threadsafe --disable-shared --enable-static CFLAGS="-g -O2 -Wno-long-double"

Would we run into trouble by just using the amalgamized version from the zip archive (or using our own amalgamized version created from the tarball) on both platforms?


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