that was really funny you know :)

On POSIX systems you're supposed to do three things to get your
software installed (usually a standard set of three commands).

1. ./configure (some packages leave this out, since they don't use GNU
2. make (there's almost always this, or an alternative, CMAKE, Scons, ant, etc)
3. make install (if there's a Makefile, you'll be able to do a make
install, if the software is supposed to be used anyways... and all
replacements have equivalents - ant deploy for instance).

So please, please, please, your steps are all wrong... you're not
installing sqlite the way you're supposed to install from source on
POSIX systems, go back and do the steps..
and you know try to learn about building stuff from source (google
would seem to be a good referal source here :) )

I really had to reply to this, seeing as your steps are all wrong, and
this mail will be archived and someone else (2 yrs from now), may
_actually_ follow your steps (omg!!!) :P

Also, I'll take a one step long-suffering act (sigh), you can email me
offlist, for a _OneTime_ tutorial (if you really want to learn the
right way). After that, read this email again, and you'll see how
ridiculous it sounds.

peace bro,

On 5/7/07, km4hr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Notes on how I got sqlite running on hpux 11.0

To install sqlite on hpux:
* download sqlite-3.3.17.tar.gz from web site.
  (I unzipped the file on linux using gunzip I think. Then copied
   the tar file to /opt on the unix box. I guess gunzip works on hpux also.)
* cd to /opt and untar the file. (tar xf sqlite-3.3.17.tar)
* cd to sqlite... dir created by tar.
* create a "bld" directory as recommended in sqlite README.
* cd to bld.
* Use GNU bash version of "make" (came with hpux 11.0 on my computer
/opt/OpenSource/...) to
  perform the build instructions given in sqlite README. The hpux version of
  make doesn't work. It chokes on the "+=" operators in the make file.
* after "making" sqlite, look in the "bld/.libs" directory for the sqlite
  library files. "sqlite3" command line program is there as well.
* no "sqlite.h" file is provided by the install (?) but ""
provided works.
* here's how I compiled the test program given on the sqlite web site:
  cd to my home directory.
  Copied contents of C test program on web site into file "myprog.c".
  Changed "#include <sqlite.h>" to "#include "<dirname>/".
  Then: "cc -o myprog myprog.c /opt/sqlite/bld/.libs/libsqlite3.a"
* Used /opt/sqlite/bld/.libs/sqlite3 to create database "test.db" (create
  and to add some records in a table (insert into table ...).
* run myprog test program to dump the table.
  Ex: myprog test.db "select * from tablename"

  Works! Success!

* Now I need to figure out where to install the sqlite library and header
file permanently on hpux.

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