Id like to get your ideas on implementing a stack using sql tables.
 table a, contains references to b 
 table b contains refernce to a
 table c contains delete entries for A (but b must also be purged!)
 My processing forces me to load all of a,b and c. 
 There may be cases where table C indicates a complete deletion for table A. As 
a special case there is another table D that indicates a complete delete. In 
this instance I can delete by another unique Id that is contained in all of the 
tables but ommitted for brevity.
 create table a ( id integer, ref integer, cnt integer );
 create table b ( id integer, ref integer, val text );
 create table c ( id integer, cnt integer );
 insert into a values (1,32,5);
 insert into b values (11,32,'first data item');
 insert into c values (1,5) ;
 insert into a values (1,33,5);
 insert into b values (11,33,'second data item');
 insert into c values (1,5) ;
 insert into a values (1,34,5);
 insert into b values (11,34,'third data item');
 After processing, Id like to be left with the following:
 a ( 1, 34,5)
 b (11, 34, 'third data item')
 This is easily implemented in a memory stack. but I'm not sure how to 
implement using sql.
 thanks for any ideas.

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