Tim Anderson wrote:
> I'm writing an article about SQLite and I'd love to get some comments
> from users about why you use it. Performance? Features? Reliability?
> Cost? Is the open source aspect important? Anything else? For that
> matter, anything you really don't like about SQLite?
> You can email me at tim(at)itwriting.com or comment here if you prefer -
> but to use your quote I'd need at least a full name, what you do and the
> company you work for

I'm using SQLite as an intermediate database in a shrinkwrap product.  As
part of a major version upgrade we're moving data from a Paradox database
with little to no data normalization into a SQL Server database normalized
to Boyce-Cod normal form.  SQLite is used to keep track of primary keys in
the new database to be used later in the process for maintaining data

SQLite was chosen for the following reasons:

1. Easy deployment.
2. Zero configuration.
3. Easy API to access from Delphi.
4. Licensing costs
5. Speed.  Speed was the primary deciding factor, because these lookups
must be fast.

Clay Dowling
Simple Content Management

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