On 8/7/07, Lee Crain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am working on an application where I am importing data for which great
> care has NOT been taken to ensure uppercase and lowercase letters have
> been entered appropriately.
> Would a search for an 'a' return a different result than a search for an
> 'A'?

Yes.  SQLite is case-sensitive.  If you are only using ASCII, you can
create an index using COLLATE NOCASE - otherwise you'll have to add
your own collation.

> SELECT * FROM table WHERE field1 = 'a';
>                 Vs.
> SELECT * FROM table WHERE field1 = 'A';
> If SQLite is case sensitive, is there an easy override for this to enforce
> all lowercase letters?
> Thanks,
> Lee Crain
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Cory Nelson

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