Now that is interesting. I didn't realize we could change
sqlite_master directly, but have often thought it could be very handy.

Warning: If you mess up, your database becomes unreadable and unrepairable. This is a very dangerous feature. If you use it and you lose data: no tears.

Let me clarify. What I'm asking is whether editing the view and trigger entries in sqlite_master is safer than editing table and index entries (see below).

I'd greatly appreciate any educated insight, not necessarily a guarantee. :-)


Date: 15 August 2007 11:50:53 AM
Subject: [sqlite] PRAGMA writable_schema=ON;


It appears that you can set

  PRAGMA writable_schema=ON;

Then do a manual UPDATE of the sqlite_master table to insert

I tried it and it seems to work. But it is dangerous. If you mess up, you corrupt the database file.

Now that is interesting. I didn't realize we could change sqlite_master directly, but have often thought it could be very handy. I've often read from it (ie select from sqlite_master), but not written (ie update or insert).

I imagine that writing to a table or index entry would be disastrous, eg:

update sqlite_master
set sql = 'create table MyTable( Col1, Col2 )
where name = 'MyTable' and type = 'table'

since I think SQLite wouldn't set up the required table data. Correct?

But what about triggers and views? Since (AFAIK, since rootpage = 0) there's no data structure created by them in the file, can we safely manipulate them directly in sqlite_master?

For an example, I'll use the predicament from my earlier message "Altering views, keeping triggers". As a possible solution to keeping triggers when a view is changed, would it be safe to either:

1. Update the view in sqlite_master directly, thereby avoiding SQLite's deletion of associated triggers:

update sqlite_master
set sql = 'create view MyView as select Col1, Col2 from MyTable'
where name = 'MyView' and type = 'view'


2. Cache the triggers before changing the view, then insert them directly into sqlite_master:

begin immediate
create temporary table Cache as
select * from sqlite_master where type = 'trigger'
drop view 'MyView'
insert into sqlite_master
select * from Cache
where name not in ( select name from sqlite_master where type = 'trigger' )

I guess "insert or ignore" could be used instead of testing for existence, if sqlite_master enforces a unique( type, name), but I don't know if this is safe to assume.


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