Do you have readline?

Rachmel, Nir (Nir) wrote:
I recently upgraded from sqlite 3.2.8 to sqlite 3.4.0.
I have only made minor changes in my system to get the new version up
and running, however I encountered a problem:
when I run sqlite with a database and try to use the 'history' feature
of the command-line (pressing the 'up' arrow key to browse through the
latest commands executed) the result is some special characters printed
to the screen instead of the expected behaviour.
I am cross compiling sqlite from an i686 machine to ppc running linux. here are my configure options: ./configure '--build=i686-linux' \
                     --host=$(CONFIGURE_HOST) \
                                 --prefix=$(PREFIX) \
                                '--disable-tcl' \
                                '--disable-debug' \
                                '--with-gnu-ld' \
                                '--enable-threadsafe' \
                                '--enable-releasemode' \

and I also set this environment variable which I suspect is related:
(however this worked just find with 3.2.8!!) I would appreciate your help, Thanks, Nir.

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