
> I'm writing an application that uses SQLite to store user's data,
> and need a library to crypt some stuff, including passwords and data.
> The goal is to crypt before insert and decript after extract tha data,
> so this last can't be seen by others who gain access to the SQLite
> dataBase.

I have written a crypt extension for SQLite which uses the same API as the 
commercial solution of D.R. Hipp. This extension crypts the whole database file 
so it's not even possible to analyze the database schema for unauthorized users.

This extension is distributed together with my wxWidgets component wxSQLite3, 
but it can be used without wxSQLite3 and wxWidgets.

It's downloadable from

You have to get the SQLite sources, too, to be able to build a SQLite 
DLL/library with encryption support.

One SQLite source file needs modification. The latest wxSQLite3 release 
includes the required modified files up to SQLite 3.3.17. If you decide to use 
my extension and need to support SQLite 3.4.x you may contact me by private 

> The application don't need military security level :-) 

The extension uses 128-Bit-AES encryption.

> The ideal is some freeware library although commercial products can also
> be considered. Of course the final product must be commercially
> distributable without patent issues. 

My extension may be used in commercial projects.



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