RaghavendraK 70574
Thx. I have modifed it to ?, but
Sqlite fails to get records for the below query. When debug it retuns
SQLITE_DONE. Pls help.

select * from 'tbl.7' where ? like column1 || '%' order by column1
desc limit 1;

Data is as below:
insert into 'tbl.7'
values ('9845002655');

insert into 'tbl.7'
values ('9854002656')

--Best match for 985
select * from 'tbl.7' where '985' like column1 || '%' order by
column1 desc limit 1;

Why are you surprised? I don't see any record that would satisfy your query. '985' doesn't match either '9845002655%' or '9854002656%' patterns. You probably mean

select * from "tbl.7" where column1 like '985%';

Igor Tandetnik

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