On Tue, 04 Sep 2007 09:20:28 -0700, Gerry wrote:

>Kees Nuyt wrote:
>> On Tue, 04 Sep 2007 07:53:08 -0600, Scott wrote:
>>> I have an application that is inserting a record every second.  There 
>>> are thousands of periods from a few seconds to hours long where the data 
>>> in all the columns is identical thus causing hundreds of thousands of 
>>> duplicate rows.
>>> Is there a way to set up the INSERT statement to allow the insertion of 
>>> a new row of data, where one or more columns has data != to the previous 
>>> insertion, but ignore or skip the insertion of a duplicate row?
>>> Scott
>> Perhaps: Specify all columns in the primary key, or define a
>> separate table constraint UNIQUE (on,all,columns) ON CONFLICT
>> The insert will fail. It depends on the conflict-clause what
>> happens. Or you can use INSERT ... ON CONFLICT IGNORE.
>> http://www.sqlite.org/lang_conflict.html
>This may do what is needed, or it may not.
>This would skip an insertion that matched any previous data, even from 
>days earlier with many samples of different data in between. If the data 
>contents don't allow that, your scheme will work.
>Otherwise I think a TRIGGER could do what is needed.

You are right.
  (  Kees Nuyt

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