(See my original proposal writeup at the bottom of http://wiki.tcl.tk/2633 for
more details.)

** Feature request **

My current project would benefit from the ability to expand a Tcl variable
into multiple SQL values.  Quick example:

$ set x {1 2 3}
$ db eval {insert into xyzdata values({*}$x)}

where "{*}$x" basically expands to "1,2,3".

I borrow the {*} notation from Tcl 8.5's expansion directive because it does
something very similar, but any notation will do.  Remember that {*} was
chosen by the Tcl folks to avoid breaking existing scripts.

Of course this expansion will happen within SQLite and not Tcl.  That's the
whole point; it eliminates injection attacks and allows the compiled SQL to be
cached inside the Tcl_Obj.

Andy Goth

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