Joe Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> This might be worth a read. This paper discusses limitations of custom 
> memory allocators:
>   Reconsidering Custom Memory Allocation

Interesting paper.  Thanks for the link.

I have not read it yet, but a quick scan shows that Emery
completely overlooks one of the key reason I am experiementing 
with memory pools:  provable correctness.  General purpose
allocator, such as Doug Lea's, do an excellent job of
preventing and dealing with memory fragmentation.  But
they do not (can not) guarantee that memory will never
fragment.  We are working on techniques that will guarantee
that the heap will not fragment.  And in order to achieve
that, we need very low-level control of the memory allocation.
Hence my recent interest in memory pools.

There is also quite a bit of interest in this research
from people using SQLite in embedded machines with bad
malloc() implementations (and, I am told, compelling
reasons why they cannot just substitute a better malloc.)

Emery's observation that memory pools will not magically
cure the performance problems of a legacy application is
quite correct.  You cannot just take any old application
that uses malloc, stick memory pools underneath it, and
expect it to work well.  Hence, we are also reworking the 
upper layers of SQLite to know that they are using memory 
pools and to use those pools effectively. 

D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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