Hi all,

How can I convert dates from the format d/m/yy to SQL style YYY-MM-DD?

I have some imported data that includes a date column in the format d/ m/yy, where:

d  = day as 1 or two digits
m  = month as 1 or two digits
yy = year as two digits


2/11/07 = today
2/8/68  = 2nd of August, 1968

How can I convert this in SQLite to YYYY-MM-DD?

The data is from a bank, so I have no control over its production.

I couldn't find any suitable built in SQLite functions, which all seem to operate in the other direction.

The best I've come up with so far is:

create table Raw( Date );
insert into Raw( Date ) values ( '2/11/07' );
insert into Raw( Date ) values ( '2/8/68' );
                case /* Prefix for year = 20 if year starts 0, 1 or 2, else 19 
                when cast( substr( Date, -2, 1 ) as integer ) < 3
                then '20'
                else '19'
        || substr( Date, -2, 2 ) /* Year = last two characters */
        || '-' ||
                case /* Prefix month with 0 if short */
                when substr( Date, -5, 1 ) = '/'
                then '0'
                else ''
                case /* Month = from after / to 4th last character */
                when substr( Date, 2, 1) = '/'
                then substr( Date, 3, length( Date ) - 5 )
                else substr( Date, 4, length( Date ) - 6 )
        || '-' ||
                case /* Day = from 1st to character before first / */
                when substr( Date, 2, 1 ) = '/'
                then '0' || substr( Date, 1, 1 ) /* Prefix with 0 if short */
                else substr( Date, 1, 2 )
        as Date
from Raw

which correctly gives:


But is there a more robust, built in method?


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