T&B wrote:
Hi all,

How can I convert dates from the format d/m/yy to SQL style YYY-MM-DD?

I have some imported data that includes a date column in the format d/ m/yy, where:

d  = day as 1 or two digits
m  = month as 1 or two digits
yy = year as two digits


2/11/07 = today
2/8/68  = 2nd of August, 1968

How can I convert this in SQLite to YYYY-MM-DD?

The data is from a bank, so I have no control over its production.

I couldn't find any suitable built in SQLite functions, which all seem to operate in the other direction.

The best I've come up with so far is:

create table Raw( Date );
insert into Raw( Date ) values ( '2/11/07' );
insert into Raw( Date ) values ( '2/8/68' );
        case /* Prefix for year = 20 if year starts 0, 1 or 2, else 19 */
        when cast( substr( Date, -2, 1 ) as integer ) < 3
        then '20'
        else '19'
    || substr( Date, -2, 2 ) /* Year = last two characters */
    || '-' ||
        case /* Prefix month with 0 if short */
        when substr( Date, -5, 1 ) = '/'
        then '0'
        else ''
        case /* Month = from after / to 4th last character */
        when substr( Date, 2, 1) = '/'
        then substr( Date, 3, length( Date ) - 5 )
        else substr( Date, 4, length( Date ) - 6 )
    || '-' ||
        case /* Day = from 1st to character before first / */
        when substr( Date, 2, 1 ) = '/'
        then '0' || substr( Date, 1, 1 ) /* Prefix with 0 if short */
        else substr( Date, 1, 2 )
    as Date
from Raw

which correctly gives:


But is there a more robust, built in method?


If you transform the date into the internal Sqlite format on data aquisition. Then you can use the internal Sqlite date functions to present the date in the format of your choice.

Physically Sqlite stores a date as a floating point Julian date based on an astronomical epoch.

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