> You're confusing threads with the context of the connection. When you
> call sqlite3_open() you get a single connection to a db. That
> connection can then be used across threads, but it is for all intents
> and purposes a single line of communication with a database (using it
> twice at the same time doesn't somehow multiply that relationship).

Thank you for attempting to clarify this for me. You are saying that the
transaction state is part of the connection context, whereas I was
expecting it to be a per-thread-per-connection state.

I had thought, based on the documentation, that there was little or no
functional difference between:

A) Two threads, each of which has its own database connection
B) Two threads, sharing a single database connection

Note that your example of two threads attempting to update the same
record at the same time is consistent with this theory -- in either case
SQLITE_BUSY (or similar) is likely to occur on one of the threads. In my
case, I was also expecting to get SQLITE_BUSY (or similar) with the
second transaction, rather than an error. (I'm well aquainted with the
SQLITE_BUSY behavior and application-level synchronization techniques.)

What else, besides transaction state, is part of the connection context
and shared with shared connections? I know of the page cache, of which
sharing is desired. Anything else to be aware of?

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