Hello, all,

First, I apologize if the list has received multiple copies of e- mails from me. I'm using gmail, and gmail does strange things to e- mails when receiving through a POP client an e-mail that is from your own account. If anyone at all gets this, please reply to me personally, even if to say, "yes, I got your e-mail, even though your copy from the mailing list isn't getting to you." I don't mind my inbox being flooded ;-) I had tried to post a multi-threading question before, but 1) I never got the e-mail back (gmail is strange), and 2) I never saw a reply (perhaps the e-mail never got to you.)

Second, my question is about SQLite and multi-threading. Basically, the snippet below means that if I have multiple threads executing SQL statements, and I want at least one thread to execute multiple SQL statements as a single unit, I need to make sure only one thread at a time is executing SQL, or the SQL statements that are outside of the thread may get lumped in with the transaction. As in,

10. thread 1: shut off auto commit
20. thread 1: SQL statement 1 succeeds
30. thread 2: independent SQL statement succeeds
40. thread 1: SQL statement 2 fails
50. thread 1: rollback, taking with it thread 2's effect

If that's the case, it also answers my previous, unposted question about sqlite3_changes, which was, "what would sqlite3_changes return if it were called at line 35 in the above sequence?"


   Don Lavelle

On Nov 8, 2007, at 9:23 AM, Salles, Joaquim Campos wrote:

I found two e-mails (bellow) that I think give the answer: yes is safe
to use the same database connection, but is not work in the way that I
imagined. "Transaction control is per connection, not per thread." (Igor
Tandetnik) or "That connection can then be used across threads, but it
is for all intents and purposes a single line of communication with a
database (using it twice at the same time doesn't somehow multiply that
relationship)". (Stephan Beal)

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