Argh, I feel like an idiot. I had my SQL syntax wrong because I messed
up some delimiters. Now that I have that straightened out, it works
fine. I think this will make separating strings a lot easier for me.

On Nov 26, 2007 7:32 PM, Andrew Wiley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm havinga large bit of encoding confusion. I'm programming an app in
> Java that is using SQLite, and have a text field that will contain a
> variable number of entries. I of course wanted to separate those
> entries with delimiters, but I thought I could avoid the hassle of
> making sure that user inputted characters weren't delimiters by using
> characters that "don't exist" as delimiters. In Java, the character
> values below the decimal value 33 represent nothing, so I just took an
> arbitrary number (2, in this case), stored it as a character, and
> tried to put it in the database.
> I got an unrecognized token error. The thing I don't understand here
> is that the value 2 is a perfectly valid character value, it just
> doesn't map to a character. Why couldn't I store it in the database?
> Is it something involving the interface, or is SQLite storing
> characters in such a way that this sort of thing isn's supported?
> I know Java uses unicode, and my database is using UTF-8 (which I can,
> I think, fairly safely assume Java is using when they say "unicode"),
> so the character should be stored in the same format in SQLite as in
> Java.
> Am I completely wrong here (I half expect it), or is there a way to do
> something along these lines?

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