At 19:12 20/11/2007, you wrote:

What are the 'biggest bang for the buck' sqlite optimization techniques
to apply to a working system to tune performance?

Q1)) PRAGMA: Does anyone have experience and good results optimizing
sqlite performance using PRAGMA's? If so, which ones, how were they
used, and what was the performance increase?
Q2)) Other techniques: Any success stories on sqlite optimization
methods of any type would be appreciated.

In other techniques,
a) normalize the db
b) don't group in a db file two or more groups of tables that aren't related, better each group to its db file and better on separate physical disks c) if you have read-only db and enough ram, use a memory disk or a memory swapable disk amd copy db to it. Disable sqlite caches. d) use a libc with simd, for example under powerpc, a libc with altivec code for sorts, mem-copy, mem-compare, etc.. can boost your sqlite (i have seen x7) if it's cpu hogged (memory dbs) e) I'm not sure, but using a journaling or softupdate enabled filesystem should means you can disable syncronous pragma.

Also, tweak sqlite code. For example i tweaked an old version (3.1.2 or something like that) for not use journal files, it just modifies the db file directly on writes, very risky, but a lot faster.


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