Dennis Cote wrote:
John Machin wrote:
Ummmm what about quoting the quote character? Line-ending characters e.g. \r and \n?

sqlite> .mode csv
sqlite> select 1, 'He said "Hello".', 3;
1,"He said "Hello".",3

should be
1,"He said ""Hello"".",3


This works for me using sqlite 3.5.3

   sqlite> .mode csv
   sqlite> select 1, 'test "quoted" text', 'more';
   1,"test ""quoted"" text",more

What version are you using?
Command-line executable: 3.3.x -- time I updated!
Sorry about the rant.
I am however a little surprised that the current released version handles the "quote-char in the data" case but not the "separator-char in the data" case -- software having trouble writing CSV data usually (in my experience) has it the other way around :-)


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