@Scott: Id is a primary key. I believe PKs always have indexes.

@Griggs: While the database engine is to be run on a full blown PC, I have
three needs that have lead me to choose SQLite:

a) It should be completely integrated/embedded within the application; no
separate install. Just a single .DLL ;-)
b) It must have bindings with .Net 2.0 and Mono >1.2.5.
c) Open-Source.

Switching to a client-server application like PostgreSQL that can't be
embedded into the application would actually be my last resort.

Cheers and thanks!

Hugo Ferreira

On Dec 31, 2007 11:56 PM, Scott Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hugo Ferreira wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > I seem to be having a problem here with LEFT JOINS between tables and
> > results of INNER JOINS. Take for example the following example (table
> > definition is in the end):
> >
> > TABLE COUNT esparqueologico: 750
> > TABLE COUNT data: 3828
> > TABLE COUNT reftemporal: 3972
> >
> > This query would take 6.7s to run (750 rows):
> >
> > select * from esparqueologico oe left join
> >   (data d cross join reftemporal r on d.reftemporal_id = r.id) x
> > on oe.datacao_id = x.id
> >
> > However this takes virtually zero time (750 rows):
> >
> > select * from esparqueologico oe left join data d on oe.datacao_id =
> d.id
> >
> > And this takes 0.1s (3828 rows):
> >
> > select * from data d inner join reftemporal r on d.reftemporal_id = r.id
> >
> > It seems to me that indexes are lost in the first query. Here is the
> data
> > definition I'm using:
> >
> > CREATE TABLE data (
> >     id guid NOT NULL,
> >     reftemporal_id guid NOT NULL,
> >     PRIMARY KEY (id),
> >     FOREIGN KEY (reftemporal_id) REFERENCES reftemporal(id),
> > )
> >
> > CREATE TABLE reftemporal (
> >     id guid NOT NULL,
> >     subtype varchar,
> >     PRIMARY KEY (id)
> > )
> >
> > CREATE TABLE esparqueologico (
> >     id guid NOT NULL,
> >     datacao_id guid,
> >     PRIMARY KEY (id),
> >     FOREIGN KEY (datacao_id) REFERENCES data(id),
> > )
> >
> > CREATE INDEX idx_data_reftemporal_id ON data(reftemporal_id)
> > CREATE INDEX idx_esparqueologico_datacao_id ON
> esparqueologico(datacao_id)
> I'm not an expert, but don't you want an index on reftemporal.id as
> well? You're querying it in your JOIN clause, but there's no index
> on the field.
> --
> Scott Baker - Canby Telcom
> RHCE - System Administrator - 503.266.8253
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