Hi Dennis,

> I don't think there is any way in SQL to eliminate the redundant  
> lookups.

OK, thanks. I thought I saw syntax of some other SQL engines that  
permit if/then or case/when type branching within a trigger, but I may  
be mistaken.

>>      where new.Amount not null
>>              and new.ID not in ( select ID from [Orders Refunds Amount] )

> The only thing I see that could be done differently is to change the
> where clause in the insert case to use a correlated subquery.

>       select
>                 new.ID
>               , new.Amount
>       where new.Amount not null
>               and not exists
>                       ( select ID from [Orders Refunds Amount]
>                               where ID = new.ID)
>       ;
> This exists clause will exit the subquery as soon as it finds a  
> matching ID. It will also be able to use the index on the ID to do  
> an O(logN) lookup to find or eliminate the new.ID value.

OK, thanks. I didn't realize that "not exists" in this context would  
be faster than my original "not in" syntax. I thought they'd both exit  
when the first match is found.

> Because all three cases use the same index, all the pages needed  
> should be in the page cache after the first scan, so they should not  
> require any additional I/O, and hence should complete very quickly.

Ah yes, good point :-)

> While SQL does require doing some redundant work, it isn't really  
> that much extra, and I suspect that you would be hard pressed to  
> measure the extra overhead.

Yes, although now I'm keen to see fixed the apparent huge overhead of  
the inefficiency that Steve raised about using updatable views ;-)

Thanks for all your input. I'll hone my updatable views strategy and  
apply it to more cases to find any tangent situations.


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