> John Stanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > That ia a nice idea.  To have a pragma which specied the dialect.  There
> > could be "strict" or "ansi" and "mysql", "oracle", "sqlserver" etc etc.
> >   It would give tighter control over hard to track annoying minor syntax
> > errors.
> >
> And, it would multiple exponentially the number of test cases
> we have to write and maintain in order to adequately test the
> parser.... ;-)

One of the dangers of supporting "other standards" is that it becomes
hard to wean folks off of them when you do decide to go "pure."

Microsoft is experiencing a similar issue with IE. IE6 buggered up the
standards support royally, but enough people around the world used it
and made websites that were "compliant" with it that when MS made IE7
which hewed to the standards much better, all those websites broke.
So, they are now proposing a new quirks mode in IE8. A nice collection
of links debating both sides is at

Keep SQLite simple, and keep it compliant with whatever the single
ANSI SQL standard may be there out there. Users of other databases
that adhere to the same standards will feel at home. Others will
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