On 2/11/08, jose isaias cabrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greetings...
> I know that Puneet will get on my case about the obscurity of the subject
> (just kidding), but I am trying to find out if I can do this: Imagine this
> table and data...
> Class|ProjID|ProjFund|Invoice|Split
> Finishers|1045|73||
> Finishers|1045|75|30|
> Finishers|1045|75|30|
> Finishers|1045|75|30|
> Finishers|1045|75||
> Finishers|1045|75|75|y
> Finishers|1045|75|25|
> Finishers|1045|73||
> Finishers|1045|73||
> Finishers|1045|73||
> Finishers|1045|73|58.4|y
> Finishers|1045|73||
> What I would like is to have total of ProjFund, a total of ProjFund -
> Invoices which Split = 'y' and a total of Invoices which Split = 'y'.
> I know I can do this programatically, but I would like to be able to have
> sqlite return the results to me.  Is it possible?  What I have right now is
> this,
> SELECT Class, sum(ProjFund), sum(ProjFund) - sum(invoice), sum(invoices)
> from ClassTable  group by Class, ProjID;
> I just don-t know how to do the Split = 'y' part.  Any help would be greatly
> appreciated.

is this what you are looking for?

sqlite> select * from t;
class       projid      projfund    invoice     split
----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Finishers   1045        73
Finishers   1045        75          30
Finishers   1045        75          30
Finishers   1045        75          30
Finishers   1045        75
Finishers   1045        75          75          y
Finishers   1045        75          25
Finishers   1045        73
Finishers   1045        73
Finishers   1045        73
Finishers   1045        73          58.4        y
Finishers   1045        73
sqlite> select class, sum(projfund) from t group by class;
class       sum(projfund)
----------  -------------
Finishers   888
sqlite> select class, sum(projfund) from t where split = 'y' group by class;
class       sum(projfund)
----------  -------------
Finishers   148
sqlite> select class, sum(projfund), sum(projfund)-sum(invoice) as a
from t where split = 'y' group by class;
class       sum(projfund)  a
----------  -------------  ----------
Finishers   148            14.6
sqlite> select class, sum(projfund), sum(projfund)-sum(invoice) a,
sum(invoice) b from t where split = 'y' group by class;
class       sum(projfund)  a           b
----------  -------------  ----------  ----------
Finishers   148            14.6        133.4
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