"li yuqian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
> i am a newbie of sqlite3, we want porting the Freepbx(freepbx.org) to
> our
> project www.astfin.org, the freepbx can support sqlite3, but not very
> well,
> now i got a problem about sqlite3
> ---------------------
> SELECT t.variable, t.value, d.value state FROM `globals` t JOIN
> x.variable, x.value FROM globals x WHERE x.variable LIKE
> 'OUTDISABLE\_%') d
> ON substring(t.variable,5) = substring(d.variable,12) WHERE
> t.variable LIKE 'OUT\_%' UNION ALL SELECT v.variable, v.value,
> concat(substring(v.value,1,0),'off')
> state FROM `globals` v WHERE v.variable LIKE 'OUT\_%' AND
> concat('OUTDISABLE_',substring(v.variable,5)) NOT IN ( SELECT
> variable from
> globals WHERE variable LIKE 'OUTDISABLE\_%' ) ORDER BY variable

You make it a little too complicated. Try this:

SELECT t.variable, t.value,
    ifnull(d.value, concat(substring(t.value,1,0),'off')) state
FROM globals t LEFT JOIN globals d ON (
    substring(t.variable,5) = substring(d.variable,12) and
    t.variable LIKE 'OUT\_%' ESCAPE '\' and
    d.variable LIKE 'OUTDISABLE\_%' ESCAPE '\'
ORDER BY t.variable;

Note that in SQLite, a backslash has no special meaning in LIKE 
operator, unless assigned such meaning via ESCAPE clause (any character 
can be used as an escape character, not just backslash).
With best wishes,
    Igor Tandetnik

With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not 
necessarily a good idea. It is hard to be sure where they are going to 
land, and it could be dangerous sitting under them as they fly 
overhead. -- RFC 1925 

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