I was just reading the page about SQlite being the most widely deployed 
SQL database engine (http://sqlite.org/mostdeployed.html), and noticed 
that it does not seem to take into account non-website non-sqlite 
database engines in the arbitrary 100million other database engines.

I'm not trying to be picky here, or start telling you that you're wrong, 
but it could be worth changing - if an oracle developer (etc) were to 
look at the page, the could potentially have a field day when they can 
point out something like:

Oracle has deployment contracts in the govornments of X countries 
worldwide, each having Y department, which have Z number of databases 

Like I said, *I* am not trying to dispute this claim, but merely point 
out a place where others may, and thus should maybe be looked at.

I'm not sure if this was the right place to post this, but it would be 
interesting to hear people's thoughts on the matter.


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