On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 6:00 PM, Jason Salas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Igor,
>  Thanks for the insight.  I'm used to doing stored procedures for web
>  apps, which conditionally execute statements based on state and/or the
>  presence of variables.  Consider this construct, which I built recently
>  to populate a table with URL for a web spider bot I built:
>  (
>     @ProviderName VARCHAR(200),
>     @LinkPath VARCHAR(200),
>     @LinkText VARCHAR(200)
>  )
>  AS
>     DECLARE @ProviderID    INT
>     -- only store a link if it isn't already listed in the database
>     IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT LinkPath FROM SpiderBot WHERE LinkPath = @LinkPath)
>         BEGIN
>             -- is this a known provider?  if not, add it into the DB and
>  then assign it's new ID
>             IF EXISTS(SELECT ContentProviderID FROM
>  SpiderBot_ContentProviders WHERE ProviderName = @ProviderName)
>                 BEGIN
>                     SET @ProviderID    = (SELECT ContentProviderID FROM
>  SpiderBot_ContentProviders WHERE ProviderName = @ProviderName)
>                 END
>             ELSE
>                 BEGIN
>                     INSERT INTO SpiderBot_ContentProviders VALUES
>  (@ProviderName)
>                     SET @ProviderID = @@IDENTITY
>                 END
>           -- do the main content insertion
>             INSERT INTO SpiderBot (ContentProviderID,LinkPath,LinkText)
>  VALUES (@ProviderID,@LinkPath,@LinkText)
>         END
>  GO
>  How would I got about re-writing something like this in SQLite?  Thanks
>  again for your help.

I would create several functions:

function RegisteProvider(providername)
    check with a SELECT statement to see if the provider exists
       if it does, return the provider ID

   insert a new provider
   return new provider's ID

function RecordLinkInfo(providername, linkname, linkurl)
   check with a SELECT statement to see if linkurl is inuse
       if it is, bail
   providerId = RegisterProvider(providername)
   insert new row with provider ID, link name, link url

Remember to use transactions to significantly boost your insert
performance  Maybe one transaction per page?

-- Stevie-O
Real programmers use COPY CON PROGRAM.EXE
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