>       I don't know anything about .Net, and I'd like to build a quick app
> with Visual Studio 2005 or 2008 to check how well it performs with
> SQLite. If performance and deployment prove to be good enough, we'll
> use VB.Net for new projects and finally dump VB6.

I have almost no experience with .Net (or any other microsoft-specific
technologies), but we've had to advise some clients on how to use
a library we provide from within Vb.Net and the InteropServices worked
for them.  Not sure if they'd meet your needs or not, but you might
give them a shot, it's as close to native as you'll get.

Basic structure I think goes like this (though it should be easy
to google):

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Declare Ansi Function sqlite3_open Lib "sqlite3.dll" _
        (ByVal filename As String, ByRef db As IntPtr) _
        As Integer
Public SQLITE3_OK = 0

Dim db As IntPtr
If sqlite3_open("my_sqlite3.db", db) != SQLITE3_O
        Console.WriteLine("Failed to open")
End If

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