On 3/2/08, 7150 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have created a database: norsk.db
>  a table: dictionary
>  sqlite> .schema
>  CREATE TABLE dictionary(Ord varchar(255), Word varchar(255), GV
>  varchar(255), Part varchar(255), PrTDS varchar(255), PaTIP varchar(255),
>  PPDP varchar(255));
>  sqlite>
>  The table contents were imported from a UTF-8 csv file. There are nearly
>  4000 records.
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/sql$ sqlite3 norsk.db
>  SQLite version 3.4.2
>  Enter ".help" for instructions
>  sqlite>
>  Here is a select operation that works:
>  sqlite> select * from dictionary where Part = "";
>  "annenhver"|"every other"|||||
>  "april"|"April"|||||
>  "armbrøst  ?"||||||
>  "august"|"August"|||||
>  "bedrukket"|"finished drinking"|||||
>  "bespist"|"finished eating"|||||
>  "bortafor"|"beyond, on the other side"|||||
>  "desember"|"December"|||||
>  "elleve"|"eleven"|||||
>  "ellevte"|"eleventh"|||||
>  "ett"|"one"|||||
>  "Europa"|"Europe"|||||
>  "februar"|"February"|||||
>  "fem"|"five"|||||
>  "femte"|"fifth"|||||
>  "femten"|"fifteen"|||||
>  "femti"|"fifty"|||||
>  "femtiende"|"fiftieth"|||||
>  "fire"|"four"|||||
>  "fjerde"|"fourth"|||||
>  "fjorten"|"fourteen"|||||
>  "fjortende"|"fourteenth"|||||
>  "fredag"|"Friday"|||||
>  "fridag"|"Friday"|||||
>  "førti"|"forty"|||||
>  "førtiende"|"fortieth"|||||
>  "gruble ?"|"brood, mull over, muse, ponder"|||"grubler"|"grublet"|
>  "hundre"|"hundred"|||||
>  "ja"|"yes"|||||
>  "januar"|"January"|||||
>  "juli"|"July"|||||
>  "juni"|"June"|||||
>  "kalosjer ?"|"boots, galoshes"|||||
>  "kattugle"|"tawny owl"|||||
>  "kjent"|"little bit, mite, smidgen"|||||
>  "lørdag"|"Saturday"|||||
>  "mai"|"May"|||||
>  "maks"|"max"|||||
>  "mandag"|"Monday"|||||
>  "mars"|"March"|||||
>  "mjo ?"||||||
>  "nedbør"|"precipitation"|"en"||"nedbøren"||
>  "nedentil ?"|"underneath"|||||
>  "nei"|"no"|||||
>  "ni"|"nine"|||||
>  "niende"|"ninth"|||||
>  "nitiende"|"ninetieth"|||||
>  "nitten"|"nineteen"|||||
>  "nittende"|"nineteenth"|||||
>  "nitti"|"ninety"|||||
>  "nord"|"north"|||||
>  "nord-norge"|"Northern Norway"|||||
>  "november"|"November"|||||
>  "null"|"zero"|||||
>  "oktober"|"October"|||||
>  "onsdag"|"Wednesday"|||||
>  "røre"|"mixture"|"et/a"||"røret/røra"|"rører"|"rørene"
>  "seks"|"six"|||||
>  "seksten"|"sixteen"|||||
>  "sekstende"|"sixteenth"|||||
>  "seksti"|"sixty"|||||
>  "sekstiende"|"sixtieth"|||||
>  "senest"|"since"|||||
>  "september"|"September"|||||
>  "skjer ?"|"happen"|||||
>  "skrevs"|"astraddle, astride, striding"|"adv."||||
>  "smaragdene"||||||
>  "striks"|"strict; exacting, scrupulous"|||"adj."||
>  "sverige"|"Sweden"|||||
>  "sytten"|"seventeen"|||||
>  "syttende"|"seventeenth"|||||
>  "sytti"|"seventy"|||||
>  "syttiende"|"seventieth"|||||
>  "søndag"|"Sunday"|||||
>  "sør"|"south"|||||
>  "sørover"|"southwards"|||||
>  "ta imot ?"|"accept, receive"|||||
>  "ti"|"ten"|||||
>  "tiende"|"tenth"|||||
>  "tirsdag"|"Tuesday"|||||
>  "tjue"|"twenty"|||||
>  "tjuende"|"twentieth"|||||
>  "to"|"two"|||||
>  "tolv"|"twelve"|||||
>  "tolvte"|"twelfth"|||||
>  "tom ?"|"empty, vacant, deserted"|"adj."||||
>  "torsdag"|"Thursday"|||||
>  "tre"|"three"|||||
>  "tretten"|"thirteen"|||||
>  "trettende"|"thirteenth"|||||
>  "tretti"|"thirty"|||||
>  "trettiende"|"thirtieth"|||||
>  "trøndelag"|"area to north and south of Trondheim"|||||
>  "tusen"|"thousand"|||||
>  "ukevis ?"||||||
>  "æbødigst"|"yours faithfully"|||||
>  "åffer ?"|"why"|||||
>  "åtte"|"eight"|||||
>  "åttende"|"eighth"|||||
>  "åtti"|"eighty"|||||
>  "åttiende"|"eightieth"|||||
>  sqlite>
>  In the above example, I am selecting records with a particular blank field.
>  If I attempt to select for anything but blank, I get nothing:
>  sqlite> select * from dictionary where Word = "eleven";


SELECT * FROM dictionary WHERE Word = '"eleven"';

that reads

' followed by "eleven" followed by '

>  sqlite>
>  You will note that "eleven" is in record nine from the preceding selection.
>  I am sure this is due to the fact that I am an idiot, but I could use
>  some help.
>  Has anyone any ideas?
>  Does it have anything to do with UTF-8?
>  Thank you,
>  George
>  --
>  ---
>  http://www.litenverden.org
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