Severin Müller wrote:
> I tried to include sqlite3 in my current C Project. 
> I downloaded the precompiled library and put it in my project.
> Then, i downloaded the sqlite source and added sqlite3.h to my project. 
> Now, when i try to compiler, i get the following error message:
> /home/fish-guts/workspace/Debug/lib/ undefined reference to 
> `dlsym'
> /home/fish-guts/workspace/Debug/lib/ undefined reference to 
> `dlerror'
> /home/fish-guts/workspace/Debug/lib/ undefined reference to 
> `dlopen'
> /home/fish-guts/workspace/Debug/lib/ undefined reference to 
> `dlclose'

Rather than use the precompiled library, I recommend one of two options:

1. Download the latest version that is in your package manager and use 
that, if it is sufficiently recent.

2. Download the source and build it.  It is a very easy to build 
package, and you would then have the option to build a static version if 
you wanted (the .a library)

CeaMuS, Simple Content Management
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