
I am working in 3.3.6 and my table looks like.


Id          -          Integer Primary Key

Name    -           Text


Id         Name

1                     zzz

2                     xxx

3                     bbb

4                     aaa


SELECT rowid,Id,Name FROM MyTable ORDER BY Name;


Rowid   Id          Name


4         4          aaa

3         3          bbb

2         2          xxx

1   1          zzz


But I need my rowid to be chaged as follows.


Rowid   Id          Name


1         4          aaa

2         3          bbb

3         2          xxx

4   1          zzz


I tried with Views but its rowid is not changed.


But by creating one new table like

 "create table Temp as select Name from Mytable order by Name;" 

gives the desired result as above.


Its taking more time for this.

So I there any other way I can do the same without creating table because in
My table I am having many

 fields and each time I will create and drop the table for each fields.


Can anyone please help to solve this.


Thanks & Regards,




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