> But I need my rowid to be chaged as follows.
> Rowid   Id          Name
> 1         4          aaa
> 2         3          bbb
> 3         2          xxx
> 4   1          zzz

If you are looking Rowid to contain serial numbers every time then you can
query for only Id and Name and then while extracting the query result you
can append your own serial numbers as part of post processing the query



On 3/14/08 11:32 AM, "Mahalakshmi.m" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Rowid   Id          Name
> 4         4          aaa
> 3         3          bbb
> 2         2          xxx
> 1   1          zzz
> But I need my rowid to be chaged as follows.
> Rowid   Id          Name
> 1         4          aaa
> 2         3          bbb
> 3         2          xxx
> 4   1          zzz
> I tried with Views but its rowid is not changed.
> But by creating one new table like
>  "create table Temp as select Name from Mytable order by Name;"
> gives the desired result as above.
> Its taking more time for this.
> So I there any other way I can do the same without creating table because in
> My table I am having many
>  fields and each time I will create and drop the table for each fields.
> Can anyone please help to solve this.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Mahalakshmi.M

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