On Apr 5, 2008, at 10:28 AM, Yves Maingoy wrote:
> Hello All and Drh,
> I am a french user of SQLite and I started to translate it's  
> documentation.
> I use the tclsh scripts on Windows (with WinTcltk) and I produce  
> html pages from *.in sources files found at http://www.sqlite.org/docsrc
> The documentation is 20% translated at this time and I temporarily  
> put it at this address : http://fr-sqlite.isuisse.com/
> But, it's not a definitive address : there are advertisings in this  
> website (I don't like that) and it's not ambitious enough.
> So, I have a proposal from this website : 
> http://www.developpez.com/hebergement/ 
>  to make an fr-SQLite website, free of charge, to help french  
> developpers, and where I can put the documentation and maintain it.  
> Is there any problem to do this ?
> Can I continue to translate the documentation in french ?

Of course you can continue.  What can the developers do to help?

Ideally, we would like to make documentation available on the main
SQLite website in multiple languages.  French, German, Chinese,  
Russian, and so forth.  The main problem we see is keeping the
translations up-to-date.  Much of the current documentation is generated
automatically from comments in the source code, and it changes,
sometimes dramatically from one release to the next.

Yves, if you want to put together a French translation of all or
even part of the SQLite documentation, or perhaps even write
separate French-language documentation about SQLite, we will
be willing to post it somewhere on www.sqlite.org.  We'll ask that
you store your translation in a fossil repository. (See
http://www.fossil-scm.org/ for details.  All current English-language
documentation is in a fossil repostitory hosted at
http://www.sqlite.org/docsrc.)  We will ask that each translated
page contain a timestamp of some kind to show when it was
translated and that each page have a pointer back to the
canonical English-language page.  I'll try to figure out some way
to have pointers from the English-language pages over to the
translated pages.

This same offer applies to anybody else who wants translate SQLite
documentation into any other living language.

D. Richard Hipp

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