D. Richard Hipp a écrit :
> On Apr 5, 2008, at 10:28 AM, Yves Maingoy wrote:
>> Hello All and Drh,
>> I am a french user of SQLite and I started to translate it's  
>> documentation.
>> I use the tclsh scripts on Windows (with WinTcltk) and I produce  
>> html pages from *.in sources files found at http://www.sqlite.org/docsrc
>> The documentation is 20% translated at this time and I temporarily  
>> put it at this address : http://fr-sqlite.isuisse.com/
>> But, it's not a definitive address : there are advertisings in this  
>> website (I don't like that) and it's not ambitious enough.
>> So, I have a proposal from this website : 
>> http://www.developpez.com/hebergement/ 
>>  to make an fr-SQLite website, free of charge, to help french  
>> developpers, and where I can put the documentation and maintain it.  
>> Is there any problem to do this ?
>> Can I continue to translate the documentation in french ?
> Of course you can continue.  What can the developers do to help?
> Ideally, we would like to make documentation available on the main
> SQLite website in multiple languages.  French, German, Chinese,  
> Japanese,
> Russian, and so forth.  The main problem we see is keeping the
> translations up-to-date.  Much of the current documentation is generated
> automatically from comments in the source code, and it changes,
> sometimes dramatically from one release to the next.
> Yves, if you want to put together a French translation of all or
> even part of the SQLite documentation, or perhaps even write
> separate French-language documentation about SQLite, we will
> be willing to post it somewhere on www.sqlite.org.  We'll ask that
> you store your translation in a fossil repository. (See
> http://www.fossil-scm.org/ for details.  All current English-language
> documentation is in a fossil repostitory hosted at
> http://www.sqlite.org/docsrc.)  We will ask that each translated
> page contain a timestamp of some kind to show when it was
> translated and that each page have a pointer back to the
> canonical English-language page.  I'll try to figure out some way
> to have pointers from the English-language pages over to the
> translated pages.
> This same offer applies to anybody else who wants translate SQLite
> documentation into any other living language.
> D. Richard Hipp
> _______________________________________________
> sqlite-users mailing list
> sqlite-users@sqlite.org
> http://sqlite.org:8080/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sqlite-users

Thank you for your answer D. Richard,

So I continue the translation and I will see fossil for future.
Can you take a ticket for this evolution ?

Pending your response, I will modifie my local "wrap_fr.tcl" file like 
this :

in hd_header{} :

    set outfile [file root [file tail $srcfile]].html
    append hd(footer) "This page last translated $date.\n"
    append hd(footer) "See latest <a 
href=\"http://www.sqlite.org/$outfile\";>English-language</a> pages.\n"
    append hd(footer) "</i></small></div></body></html>"

in hd_footer {} :
    ??? never used ???

It's not the real source page (ie. lang_xxx.html) but this gives a 
pointer back to the official website.

Yves Maingoy

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